Saturday 26 May 2012

This is it

... 300 days went by like it was a one. Now it's time to face real world. Thank You to all the people that crossed paths with me in these 10 months.

Monday 21 May 2012


After 10 months of work the last and the most important day of graduation had came. We heard many good and flattering words that brought up tears to our eyes. It is really nice to hear so many kind things about yourself that gives more self confidence.This is very important to believe in yourself and be sure that hard work and commitment will lead to successes. My participation in this NF-POGO training program I consider as one of those successes. Meeting so many smart and inspiring people, possibility to work with the best scientists in the oceanographic world and chance to see how one of the best institutions in the world works is priceless. I am the most grateful for that. Other, as much or ever more important thing was the chance to meet such a wonderful friends who will be in my heart forever!    

Saturday 12 May 2012

"SallyBumBum" aka "Bombay"

One of the best fun events in Bermuda is to sail&party. That is why our friends from BIOS decided to organize one of this type of entertainments. It is called "Sally Bum Bum" which is a catamaran driving people around the sound in Hamilton. Music, dancing, swimming and cold drinks. Great fun and wonderful "farewell" party for us.

... oooOOOoooo I got a moves like Jagger ...

my bff =]

Cliff jumping 

"HI!! I am from Brazil!"

could I be an Argentinian ??

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Scientific Diving

Today after work we had another practice of Scientific Diving course. We were developing our Rescue skills!
First we had to bring "unresponsive" diver from the bottom to the surface. Then we had to provide "mouth-to-mouth", simultaneously taking of the gear from the diver and ourselves. Then we had to climb up from the water on the leather, with the diver on the laps. Me-failed!! I couldn't lift Pri cause my arms are not strong enough! Then we had to find a lost buddy-diver, guided by a person on land/boat. Another failure. Didn't find Mark-he would have drowned. But I blame visibility which was really bad! Next task was to drag "unresponsive" diver to the shore, putting him at the back. That was a success. I can actually do it! Pulling diver from the water to the platform that's a different story - can do, not the best. But at least we had a lots and lots of fun doing that. That was a great after-work afternoon.
The punch line is - I am not gonna be the rescue diver! But! now I can tell other people what to do =)

Sunday 6 May 2012

North East Breaker & Cristobal Colon

Today we had a 'station dive'/scientific diving practice on wreck mapping. Our aim was to find wreck of the Dredger. But unfortunately after about one hour search we couldn't find it. The dive leader decided to change our plan and go to another wreck laying not far away - Cristobal Colon. Beautiful, and the biggest of many of the wrecks lying around the Bermuda. The deck of the ships is on ~25feet so not very deep. Our task was to map the ship by measuring the lengths between characteristic points and the transect along the middle of the wreck and writing down the lengths. Unfortunately the conditions underwater were not the best. Big swells were disturbing our work rocking us on sides. In many cases the current pushed me on the reef and as a result I have a hole in my brand new wet-suit that I have used twice :(

Fortunately, it was the leather strengthenings and not my knee! Beside that we couldn't do the mapping very well, the diving site was beautiful. Full of corals and parrot fishes with rainbow colors. Looking forward the ext dive.

 Photos by Yuna

La Luna

Saturday 5 May 2012

Cinco di Mayo

The 5th of May is a Mexican holiday common celebrated in the USA. So regarding to the fact that we have a lot of american friends here we decided to celebrate this holiday as well. We made a party in our cottage with beef and chicken tacos and margaritas. A lot of people showed up which was very nice. That was a great party reminding me of home - Gdynia.


salt & lemon did that

This happens to you when you drink margaritas! Kids don't try this at home!!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Groupen photo

Nine months and a lot of things on the way. Here are some group photos from our experiences. I see a big change between first and last - people enriched in new experience and new confidence. YES POGOnians! Very happy to see that!

POGOnians 2011/2012
Presentation for Trustees no.1, Physical Oceanography class with Magdalena, Ocean Color and Remote Sensing class with Shubha, Trevor and George, Christmas lunch, POGO+Sam, Presentation for Trustees no.2

Friday 27 April 2012

Presentation for trustees

Today morning we had to give our presentations about our POGO research projects to the BIOS board of trustees and staff members. Presentations were short, only 8 minutes and not very scientific considering that a lot of trustees are not-scientists. Everything started at 9 o'clock. All the presentations were very good and in the end people gave us "standing applause" which gave us a lot of satisfaction.

From the left: Chunli, Ousmane, Anna, Me, Mara, Gerry Plumley, Pri, Elisee, Yuna and Gerry 

Friday 20 April 2012

Nonsuch Island

As a part our POGO program, BIOS in particular JP and the Education Department, organize the trip to Nonsuch Island. Island that has been constituted as a natural reserve. Normally people doesn't have an access to this island and BIOS as a research institute is one of the few that can enter. One can get there only by boat since it's an island. And it is special because all the vegetation and animals are endemic for Bermuda. There are no invaded species like at all the other places in Bermuda. Being there we could experience true nature of the original Bermuda. This is also the only place on the rock that keeps the last couples of the 'cahow', bird that was nearly extinct because of the colonization of the island.
Here are some pictures from our trip.

"groupen" photo

Bermuda long tail